Open Electronics

Thomas Lommée’s OpenStructures (OS) project is an open modular construction system where everyone designs for everyone on the basis of one shared geometrical grid. It promotes circular material flows and facilitates re-use and repair. It links modularity to collaborative innovation and new decentralized production techniques and results in a more sustainably built environment.
In a one-week OS workshop by Thomas we exercised open modular design and systems thinking, trying to design “within the box”. Designing within OS means, following certain restrictions and measurements: gluing and nailing is not allowed. Parts can only be screwed and plugged together.

2018 | Workshop with Thomas Lommé
Teamed up with: Theresa Tropschuh


Theresa and I focused on applying the OS idea on electronic appliances. It seems like we mostly own the outside shell of a product, while having no idea of what’s inside. We analysed common appliances by taking them apart. To open an electronic toothbrush, a milk frother and a blender, we had to crack a lot of plastic and bend mountings. These products were obviously not meant to be taken apart.

The basic structure of the products became clear: A motor, a power source and a switch. Though the gear ratio and the amount of watt varied, we translated this structure into the standardized OS system and grid.

The Motor Module fits motors from a 100 mm to a 350 mm diameter by holding them in place with three screws. The Aluminium Motor Adapter fits a drill bit, a fan and a mil frother – 3 products in 1 so to say.
The Power Module contains two AAA rechargeable batteries. It could be extended for higher rotational frequencies.
The Switch Module holds a quicksilver switch in place, extended by two aluminium rods. It reacts to tilt.

All parts are only plugged together and can be easily disassembled, making them easy to reuse or recycle. This project aims to show that open electronics can work. Check out OS here.